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Personality Disorder Awareness Network

Personality Disorder Awareness Network

Helping families through education and experience.

Personality Disorder Awareness Network (PDAN) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing public awareness of personality disorders, alleviating the impact of personality disorders on families, and intervening early in the personality development of children. was founded by individuals with the goal to disseminate good information for the education and treatment of individuals diagnosed with personality disorders. PDAN’s website offers articles and sound perspectives on the most current perspectives on personality disorders. We are committed to providing our online community as much free resource as possible through PDAN’s extensive presence in social media, and through our blog and references sections. PDAN also offers materials for purchase, such as our Children Books and Webinar series

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1072 W Peachtree St NW #79468
Atlanta GA 30357
Phone: (209) 732-6001



Important: This site has been provided for information purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for clinical therapy.

The opinions contained on this website remain those of the contributing authors.