The keys to healing
Good websites that help with understanding, treating and coping with personality disorders. Any views expressed on these sites are theirs, and do not represent PDAN. We recommend that information on these sites be used in addition to medical treatment, not as a replacement.
If you are looking for a therapist in USA or Canada:
A network of licensed and professional clinical counselors, therapists, and psychologists who uphold clear, compassionate values in therapy for effective and lasting change. Theravive aims to connect you to professionals, giving you a good direction, attainable goals, and a clearer understanding of how to get there.
Helping people find therapists. Advocating for ethical therapy. You are not alone. There is help.
Find detailed professional listings for Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists, Counselors, Support Groups and Treatment Centers in the United States and Canada.
Active Parenting
Publishers of award-winning, video-based parenting programs and material for individuals and professionals, since 1983. Adlerian-based approach to parenting.
BPD Central
One of the longest-established and most popular websites about BPD. Offers great books and a large support community called “Welcome to Oz”.
Borderline Personality Disorder Demystified
This website is intended for people with borderline personality disorder, for those who think they may suffer from it, for their families, and for psychiatrists and other mental health care providers who strive to help them better.
Co-Parenting Course for Families affected by personality disorders or their symptoms
A proven method for strengthening conflict resolution skills for parents in separation or divorce, whether married or never-married. These skills help parents protect their children from high conflict situations, and are aimed to reduce the risk of inter-generational transmission of personality disorders. (Designed by Bill Eddy from New Ways for Families.)
Facing the Facts (also known as “BPD Family”)
BPD Family is a valuable website dedicated to those who cope with individuals with BPD. It helps us understands those whom we may love, yet who push us away. And it helps us better understand others, and ourselves, as well.
Healthy Place
Large consumer mental health site, providing comprehensive information on psychological disorders and psychiatric medications from both a consumer and expert point of view. Active mental health social network for support, online psychological tests, breaking mental health news, mental health videos.
Love and Logic
For Parents and Educators: Raise self-confident, motivated children who are ready for the real world. Loving, yet powerful tools for parenting children of all ages.
Mental Health Channel (online videos)
The Mental Health Channel is a new online network that is changing the conversation through inspiring true stories.
New Ways for Families
New Ways for Families publishes a parenting communication method for families affected by high-conflict personalities. Their programs have been approved by certain family court systems. They are designed to save courts time, to save parents money, and to protect children as their families re-organize in new ways.
Orygen Center (Australia): Articles of Interest
A very good list of mental health articles you might find educational.
Out Of The Fog
A general information website about all Personality Disorders, which affect millions of people. Personality Disorders are often misunderstood and undiagnosed.
PsyCom link 1: A Guide to Spotting the Signs of BPD
PsyCom link 2: Online Assessment on the Likelihood that You or a Loved One is Displaying Symptoms of BPD.
PsyCom link 3: In Memoriam of Dr. Ivan Goldberg, founder of
Largest international children’s charity dedicated solely to helping youth successfully navigate the very difficult grief process. Since 1983.
The Dinner Party
A community of mostly 20- and 30- somethings who have each experienced significant loss. We get together over potluck dinners to talk about the ways in which it continues to affect our lives and how to thrive in #LifeAfterLoss.
The Mighty
The Mighty is a story-based health community focused on improving the lives of people facing disease, disorder and disability.
Unhooked Books
An online bookstore specialized in personality disorders and resolution of family conflicts. A great resource to find many more books, ebooks and programs on this subject.
If you are a separated or divorced parent, the following websites have great information to help your formerly-loved one and to help you and your children avoid or recover from possible challenges, hurt, turmoil and expenses.
High Conflict Institute – About divorce & custody with a BPD or NPD spouse/co-parent
Divorce Recovery Suite
Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center (SPARC)
Up To Parents
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