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NAMI Northside Atlanta Mental Health Fair

1235311_442142849238509_443357265_nIn two weeks, on the 28th of September, PDAN invites you to join us at the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Northside Atlanta Mental Health Fair! This will be a free event from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Peachtree Presbyterian Church.

It will be an afternoon of guest speakers (Dr. Jeffrey Rakofsky from Emory will be speaking about “The Role of the Family After a Mental Illness Diagnosis”), demonstrations, free information, and a chance to win a free catered lunch!

PDAN will have a booth to promote education and prevention of personality disorders. If you have a personality disorder, or have a loved one that is affected by one, we can give you a great deal of guidance about what to do and where to turn.

Come and check it out!


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1072 W Peachtree St NW #79468
Atlanta GA 30357
Phone: (209) 732-6001



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