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About Personality Disorder Awareness Network (PDAN)

Personality Disorder Awareness Network (PDAN) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing public awareness of personality disorders, alleviating the impact of personality disorders on families, and preventing the development of personality disorders in children.

PDAN currently focuses on personality disorders that have significant effects on families through emotional dysregulation, and for which a good amount of scientific research is already available, namely Borderline, Narcissistic, Antisocial and Obsessive-Compulsive. (There is a total of 10 personality disorders listed in psychiatric manuals.)

Emotional dysregulation can be defined as a pattern of emotional responses over time, usually 1+ year, that are poorly modulated and do not fall within the conventional range.

The organization’s goals are:

  • To provide children with tools to help them develop healthy emotional regulation skills and healthy relationships
  • To prepare parents to be aware and educated about personality disorders
  • To reduce the impact of these emotional styles on children, partners and sufferers
  • To prevent or mitigate the development of personality disorders in children who may have a biological predisposition to personality disorders, and/or who are living with a parent or guardian whose behavior may be affecting the children toward developing emotional dysregulation.

PDAN currently focuses its awareness and prevention work for “at-risk” children (primarily ages 7 to 14):

  1. Who have parents with personality disorders, or
  2. Who are in high-conflict separated or divorcing families, or
  3. Who have symptoms or diagnosis of ADHD, or
  4. Who have experienced trauma (a credible threat on a person’s sense of survival), or
  5. Who live in foster care or have had changes in adoption.

1 Comment
  1. I would like to know how I can contribute. I would like to be a part of this cause. I have many skill sets and would love to use them to this cause. How can I help?

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1072 W Peachtree St NW #79468
Atlanta GA 30357
Phone: (209) 732-6001



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